June 3, 2017
If you are interested in being a sponsor or fielding a team in this year’s tournament, click on the image below or please feel free to contact our museum manager, Rafael Garcia at 512-353-3300.
June 6, 2015
Despite the weather we have had in the past weeks, the LBJ Museum of San Marcos hosted its 13th annual golf tournament Saturday, June 6, 2015 at Quail Creek Country Club. The staff at Quail Creek Country Club worked very hard after the recent floods to get the course up to par for this year’s tournament. 13 teams participated this year and the team of Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson took first place. Carbajal & Associates and Hunters Glen Fellowship took second and third place respectively. In the women’s division, Teresa Hobby won the longest drive challenge and Monica McNabb...
June 6, 2013
Pat Murdock 6/10/2013 512-353-1943 LBJ Museum of San Marcos Church Team Takes First Place in 11th Annual LBJ Museum of San Marcos Golf Tournament SAN MARCOS – Maybe it was the tournament opening prayer that Gary Smith delivered or maybe it was just sharp golfing skills, but a four-person team sponsored by Christ the Redeemer Church took first place in the 11th annual Lyndon Baines Johnson Museum of San Marcos Golf Tournament Saturday, June 8 at Quail Creek Country Club. Playing on the winning team were the Rev. Gary Smith, Luke Wester, Jerry Perez and Mark Ray. The team’s handicap-adjusted...
June 4, 2012
Pat Murdock June 4, 2012 LBJ Museum of San Marcos A four-person team sponsored by John Navarrette took first place in the 10th annual Lyndon Baines Johnson Museum of San Marcos Golf Tournament Saturday, June 2 at Quail Creek Country Club. Playing on the winning team were Joey Gold, Byron Marburger, Len Thompson and Todd Gold. The team’s handicap-adjusted net score was 49.9. Team Navarrette members Todd Gold and Len Thompson also won individual awards for closet to the pin and longest drive. A group of individuals who called their team “No Apologies” took second place with a score of...